Timing and Market Conditions > into power ups
- Using MLS Data to show market trends
- Discuss Timing (personal motivations first) then preferrred market, tips on keeping up with market values, and figuring them out in an unfamiliar neighborhood
- Expected conscessions for sellers and buyers based on market conditions
- Discussing professional fees
Strategies for Buyers who also need to sell > into power ups (on going training)
- Photoshoot and list ready before you start shopping
- Bridge Loans
- Sale Leaseback
- Buying your contingency
- Sell first, interim housing
- Perfect timing sell/buy
Negotiations > into powerups (ongoing training)
- Video Discussing
- Who has the leverage
- What is the best possible outcome for each party
- How to ask questions that give us answers we can use
- When to zip your lips
- When to talk and what to say, speech pacing
- Using agreement to get what you want
- Never Split the Difference, Chris Voss
- How to Talk so Kids Will Listen,