
Working with sellers can feel somewhat more passive, but to do a great job for our seller clients we will need to make sure we are taking regular action to market their listings and communicate with them.

Most sellers will only interview 1-3 agents. Make sure you know your market, your listing presentation and forms and can speak confidently.
We typically meet with sellers a few times before we actually list their home. The first meeting is often more like an interview. They want to know what their house is worth and if they want to work with you. The next meeting is a more formal strategy sesson where you’ll discuss timing, action steps prior to listing, and what to expect when they are on the market. Once the listing is live you’ll meet with them at least weekly until it is under contract.

Working with sellers has many challenges but can be a huge opportuntity to generate more clients from sign calls, internet marketing, and hosting open houses, make sure you maximizer your opportunity while also serving the seller’s ultimate goal well.

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